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About Me πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ

Hola! I’m Becky, a passionate traveler, partner, parent, and your storyteller.

An Expat's Journey to Self-Discovery

Embarking on an International Odyssey

I’m Becky, a passionate voyager, life partner, and a parent to an amazing kid. Consider me your narrator on this global voyage that transcends geographic boundaries and cultural norms. This digital platform is intended to record and reflect our family’s monumental journey, which took us from the comfort of our long-time home in the bustling city of Los Angeles, California, to the enchanting streets of Valencia, Spain.

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Honouring a Legacy

The Emotional Journey Behind Our Adventures

In the myriad stories we’ve gathered during our travels, and through our immersive experience of living in Spain, our blog acts as a testament to my father’s enduring influence and indomitable spirit. It has become our conduit to establish connections with a wider global audience and to share the rollercoaster ride of our journey.

This journey, infused with the highest of highs, the lowest of lows, and the ordinary moments sandwiched in-between, serves as an intimate window into our life and experiences. Through this blog, we hope to inspire others to embrace life’s changes and transitions, even as overwhelming as they can sometimes feel. It’s a gentle reminder that each voyage starts with small steps as well as a leap of faith into the unknown, fueled by the desire to keep a loved one’s memory with us as we learn to live our lives without their presence.


The Inspiration Behind Our Adventure

Today we journey across this world, inspired by David Seth Raizman, my father. Born in 1951, David was a beacon of lifelong learning and joy. An esteemed scholar, historian, and professor, his impact is felt widely. Known for his influential book “History of Modern Design,” his passion for art, design, music, sports, and travel radiated warmth and joy in our family.

A renowned art historian specializing first in medieval Spain and then design history, he passed on his passion for Spain as a country and the Spanish language to me. After a formative experience of studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain during college and traveling throughout many cities and regions over the years, I grew to feel a strong connection to the country for many reasons. Choosing to relocate to and become an expat living in Spain now is a living tribute to him.


A snapshot of a life well-lived

Traveling, tennis, guitar-playing, museums, family gatherings – these are the pieces that, together, create the mosaic of David’s life. A life that was vibrant, full of passion, and characterized by an insatiable curiosity for the world. These photographs, each one capturing a moment in time, are a testament to a life lived fully and a man loved dearly.


David Raizman's Publications & Obituaries

David’s work as an educator, scholar, and mentor have left an enduring impact on the academic world, and beyond. His seminal work, “History of Modern Design,” is recognized globally and has shaped design history studies in collegiate institutions. A third edition of this renowned textbook, which he was nearly finished writing at the time of his death, is slated to be released in August 2023.

His life and contributions have been captured eloquently in the obituaries published by The Philadelphia Inquirer and the College Art Association. These pieces not only encapsulate his professional achievements but also touch upon his personal life, qualities, passions, and the people who were close to his heart.


History of Modern Design

David’s intellectual contributions were paramount, from his textbook “History of Modern Design” to co-editing influential books. His academic prowess is celebrated through his writings that guided and inspired many.