Jacob cumplió 4 años!
Here in Valencia, many families choose to host a birthday party at an indoor play space called a ‘ludoteca’ where the food, cake, beverages, games/activities/costumes, supervision, and cleanup is all included. At the Diverfiesta space we chose, all we had to do was show up and let them take care of the rest, for 3 hours, which was pretty great. The kids had a blast and the parents got to hang and socialize; of course beer/wine were also readily available, because this is Spain.😉
The traditional birthday cake is called a ‘tarta de abuela’ (a cake made with Spanish cookies, galletas María or similar, layered with chocolate and not baked). Jacob said it was his favorite part of the party, along with getting the happy birthday song sung to him in two languages!
We had a wonderful time celebrating this milestone and were grateful to have Nana and many new and old friends in town for the occasion.
Finally, at school the birthday ritual is a ‘vuelta al sol’ where the child brings in a selection of photos from each past year on earth and takes a ‘walk around the sun’ to commemorate each past year of life and welcome in the next one. Jacob enjoyed sharing special family photos with his teachers and friends, as well as my homemade banana bread.
Here’s to many more adventures, my sweet guy!